Cleaning Recipes I've "borrowed" from my friends Mary and Cynthia
April 22, 2010 at 4:14 pm
Dishwasher detergent
1 part Borax
1 part Washing Soda
1 part Cascade complete powder
Mix and use 1 tablespoon per load! I use white vinegar in place of jet dry and it works great! It is green and saves tons of money!
In a spray bottle, place a funnel and add 1 teaspoon Borax and 2 Tbsp white vinegar. Add 1 cup hot water and shake a little to mix. Fill almost to fill-line with cool tap water and add 1/8 cup Dawn dish detergent at the end. DO NOT SHAKE! It will diffuse. I use this as my all-purpose cleaner! It took out vomit from my kid on my carpet and chair!!! It kills germs and cleans cupboards and walls. I even used it as an awesome stain remover on my girls' clothes!
1 cup Baking Soda
1/4 cup Borax
Mix well and store in a sugar shaker. Non- abrasive! Cleans all kinds of gunk out of tubs, showers, stainless steel sinks...etc :)
1 part white vinegar
1 part rubbing alcohol
1 part water
Mix in spray bottle and use as windex. It will leave smudges that will evaporate right before your eyes, so don't be disgusted if it doesn't seem to be drying clear at first.
Homemade laundry soap
I grated bar of Fels-Naptha laundry soap
I cup washing soda
1/2 cup Borax
Grate bar of soap, add it to 4 cups hot water and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until soap is dissolved and melted. Fill a 5 gallon pail halfway with hot tap water, add melted soap, washing soda, and borax. Stir til dissolved. Fill bucket rest of the way with hot tap water. Cover with lid and allow to set overnight. In the morning, stir and fill a clean laundry container half full with soap- fill the rest of the way with water. Use 5/8 cup with top loader machines, and 1/4 cup with front loaders.
You can add 10-15 drops of essential oils (EO) if you want scent.
I paid $1.35 for the Fels-Naptha bar, under $3 for the washing soda, and under $3 for the borax. I have a ton of the last 2 to make lots more soap. This recipe makes approximately 180 loads and cost me under $3...
Toilet cleaner:
equal parts Borax and Baking Soda (I fill up my container) a few droppers full of Grapefruit Seed Crush (GSC), a dropper full of Eucalyptus EO, shake it up. Use 1/8 of a cup (coffee scoop thingy from Walmart) in toilet bowl and swich andscrub with brush.
Counter Wipes (like Clorox or Lysol):
Cut paper towel roll in half. 2 Cups or so water, two droppers full of GSC, 20-30 drops of EO of your choice (I usually do 1 dropper full of Eucalyptus and 10 or so of spearmint cuz I like those two together). Pour water over the halves (in their containers, of course). Take out cardboard roll after saturated and pull from the middle. Makes great hand wipes, safe for skin!
Counter spray:
Fill bottle with water, 1 dropper full of GSC and 10-15 drops EO of your choice. I like Lemon or Peppermint
1 part Borax
1 part Washing Soda
1 part Cascade complete powder
Mix and use 1 tablespoon per load! I use white vinegar in place of jet dry and it works great! It is green and saves tons of money!
In a spray bottle, place a funnel and add 1 teaspoon Borax and 2 Tbsp white vinegar. Add 1 cup hot water and shake a little to mix. Fill almost to fill-line with cool tap water and add 1/8 cup Dawn dish detergent at the end. DO NOT SHAKE! It will diffuse. I use this as my all-purpose cleaner! It took out vomit from my kid on my carpet and chair!!! It kills germs and cleans cupboards and walls. I even used it as an awesome stain remover on my girls' clothes!
1 cup Baking Soda
1/4 cup Borax
Mix well and store in a sugar shaker. Non- abrasive! Cleans all kinds of gunk out of tubs, showers, stainless steel sinks...etc :)
1 part white vinegar
1 part rubbing alcohol
1 part water
Mix in spray bottle and use as windex. It will leave smudges that will evaporate right before your eyes, so don't be disgusted if it doesn't seem to be drying clear at first.
Homemade laundry soap
I grated bar of Fels-Naptha laundry soap
I cup washing soda
1/2 cup Borax
Grate bar of soap, add it to 4 cups hot water and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until soap is dissolved and melted. Fill a 5 gallon pail halfway with hot tap water, add melted soap, washing soda, and borax. Stir til dissolved. Fill bucket rest of the way with hot tap water. Cover with lid and allow to set overnight. In the morning, stir and fill a clean laundry container half full with soap- fill the rest of the way with water. Use 5/8 cup with top loader machines, and 1/4 cup with front loaders.
You can add 10-15 drops of essential oils (EO) if you want scent.
I paid $1.35 for the Fels-Naptha bar, under $3 for the washing soda, and under $3 for the borax. I have a ton of the last 2 to make lots more soap. This recipe makes approximately 180 loads and cost me under $3...
Toilet cleaner:
equal parts Borax and Baking Soda (I fill up my container) a few droppers full of Grapefruit Seed Crush (GSC), a dropper full of Eucalyptus EO, shake it up. Use 1/8 of a cup (coffee scoop thingy from Walmart) in toilet bowl and swich andscrub with brush.
Counter Wipes (like Clorox or Lysol):
Cut paper towel roll in half. 2 Cups or so water, two droppers full of GSC, 20-30 drops of EO of your choice (I usually do 1 dropper full of Eucalyptus and 10 or so of spearmint cuz I like those two together). Pour water over the halves (in their containers, of course). Take out cardboard roll after saturated and pull from the middle. Makes great hand wipes, safe for skin!
Counter spray:
Fill bottle with water, 1 dropper full of GSC and 10-15 drops EO of your choice. I like Lemon or Peppermint